Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't Be Dirty Ice Cream

Lady Gaga is oh so very right when she warns people not to be "dirty ice cream." And what is dirty ice cream exactly? 

Well, Urban Dictionary defines it as: A guy you date once, and they won't stop calling you. They are a good enough catch that you would date them again, but the fact that they are too persistent makes them less desirable like dirt on ice cream.

Hmm. Kudos to Gaga's creative mind lol. Before I heard that song.. I never thought of a guy that way. But, since she made the song, I've putten a good bit of thought into it. Normally, guys classify girls as needy and obnoxious when they call to much-- especially after a first date. But did guys ever consider that sometimes we think the same of them? Sometimes we just want a chill situation.. attatchment free. But then they start calling and texting and asking where we are and who we're with and what we're doing and it's just like ohmmmygosh I only went on ONE date with you! It's like you walk by someone cutting their lawn with a fresh scoop of ice cream.. and they blow dirt on your ice cream. Sure, you can get it off.. but is it worth the trouble? It just doesn't even look that enticing anymore I mean sheesh!

Basically.. all I'm saying is: 

  1. Girls- don't be needy, guys will get annoyed with you.
  2. Guys- don't assume girls want their phones blown up. Helloo, if it's annoying for you it's probably annoying for us too!
  3. Don't be dirty ice cream! Just chilllllll.
Alright. That's all :) Leave thoughts & there's more to come!

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